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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.-Gil E



3 to discharge the public duties, bound together as its members are by the ties of [] [] friendships. [] spirit which [] here prevails throughout the country at large & had it as an omen of success [often?] [harking?] of future good. A people [] together as [ever?] and by the affliction growing out of [] trials, common [], & a common struggle in such a cause, [] in a sentiment of resistance to the tyranny with which we are [] can be neither [] nor subjugated. They will go forth in all the confidence of a noble self-reliance to conquer their liberty whatever may be the [] which [][] cut them. And you, senators having finished the legislation which you have deemed needful for the public [] will now return to the body of your constituents, to [] your usefulness, & trust in another sphere. [] passed the acts which were necessary [] & support an army & to maintain the public [] you will go home [] in developing those resources of the country which are necessary for the proper prosecution of the war.