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to discharge the public duties, & bound together as its members are by the ties of mutual esteem & friendship. The fraternal spirit which exists here prevails throughout the country at large & I hail it as an omen of success & the harbinger of future good. A people bound together as ours are, by the affection growing out of common trials, common interests, & a common struggle in such a cause, and united, too, in a sentiment of resistance to the tyranny with which we are threatened, can be neither dismayed nor subjugated. They will go forth in all the confidence of a noble self-reliance to conquer their liberty whatever may be the price which it may cost them. And you, senators, having finished the legislation which you have deemed needful for the public welfare, will now return to the body of your constituents, to renew your usefulness, I trust, in another sphere. Having passed the acts which were necesary to raise & support an army & to maintain the public credit, you will go home to aid in developing those resources of the country which are necessary for the proper prosecution of the war.


p. 214 Vol II 4

You will cheer the faint-hearted, if, indeed, there by any faint-hearted, in the faith that the blessings of Providence must rest upon our cause, & you will strengthen the strong by your countenance and assistance in the weighty struggle upon which we have staked life, fortune, & liberty.

When you return next summer to resume your legislative labors, I trust that the war-clouds which now lower over our horizon will have spent their fury in vain, & that we may meet to congratulate each other upon such success as will more than compensate for all that we have endured to achieve it, And now, Senators, permit me to express to you may desire for the safe & happy return of each of you to his family & home, & to invoke for you the aid of Providence in a career of usefulness to your country & friends. Wishing you, most cordially, health, happiness, & prosperity, I bid you, senators, each and all, a kindly farewell.

The President pro tempore declared the Senate to be adjourned to Monday this 18th day of August next. [April 21, 1862]



p. 225 Vol II Monday Aug. 19, 1862

Senate met pursuant to adjournment RMT Hunter & 16 others being present; V.P resumed the chair

         March 26, 1862

p. 93 – Vol II ^ Mr. Johnson & Mr. Hunter appointed a special committee as part of the Senate to examine into the condition of the records & all the papers of the Provisional Congress heretofore directed to be turned over to the keeping of the two Houses respectively, with a view to make some proper disposition of them, and to report by bill or otherwise

    Aug 28, 1862

p. 245 ^ - In secret session Mr. Maxwell was elected Chairman of the Committee to investigate the management of the Naval Depmt. & Messers Clay, Semmes, Phelan, & Hunter the other members

p. 275 – Sept 11, 1862. Senate Sessions On motions severally made by Messers Hunter, Clay, & Phelan. Ordered[underlined] That they be excused from serving on the joint committee to investigate the management of the Naval Depmt.



Vol. II Bill resolutions introduced by Mr. Hunter

p. 45 – Senate Session March 8, 1862 – Resolution that the member so the two Houses may confer with each other, confidentially, upon measures which have been or are under consideration in secret legislative session in their respective Houses – Agreed to

p.52 Bill to provide for organization of Arkansas & Red River Superintendency of Indian affairs, to regulate trade & intercourse with Indians therein, & to preserve peace on the frontiers, being under consideration, Mr Hunter moved. Provided[underlined]. That noting in this act shall be so construed as to allow disbursing officers to make payment in any of the funds than specie or Treasury notes – agreed to. Also – that no money shall be expended for this purpose [specified in 18th section] which has not been previously appropriated by law.

p.55 Provided[underlined] that the Indian country shall not be deemed to include the residence of Indian tribes or persons within the limits of the Conf. States Agreed to &c. &c.. Mar 13, 1862 On [House?] Resolution recommending the planters of the Conf. States to refrain from cultivation of cotton tobacco &

                                                  Mr. H. voted in negative.

devote their enegies to raising provisions. It was rejected by 8 to 11 ^



p.87 . – March 24, 1862 – Mr. H. submitted following: Resolved that the Committee on Public Buildings be instructed to inquire into expediency of leasing a building for use of State Depmt, &for executive offices. Agreed to

p.335 – Sept. 26, 1862 – Mr. H. submitted following. Resolved[underlined] That the Secretary of the Senate be authorized to employ, temporarily, whatever additional clerks may be necessary to secure the prompt enrollment & engrossment of bills and joint resolutions during the remainder of the session, at a compensation not to exceed five dollars [per diem.][underlined] – Agreed to.

p. 377 Sept. 29, 1862 –

                              (S. 111)

Mr. H (by leave) introduced a bill ^ to amend an act entitled “An act for the organization of the staff depmts of the Army of the C. S. A.” approved March 14, 1861. Read 1st & 2d times referred to the Com. on Military Affairs.

p. 381 – Sept 30, 1862. Mr. H. (by leave) introduced a bill (S. 112) to authorize the V. P. of C. S. to employ a secretary – Read 1st & 2d times & considered in Com of Whole reported to Senate, engrossed, read a third time & passed. [All at same time]



1st Congress – 3d Session, Jan. 12, 1863 to May 1, 1863

"      "      4th   "     Dec. 7, 1863 to Feb 17, 1864

Journal of Conf. Congress – Senate Vol. III

pp. 794-6 Feb. 17, 1864. address on adjourning this session of the C.S. Senate.

p 794 – Mr. Henry submitted following resolution considered & agreed to Resolved. That the thanks of the Senate are [?] of the senate for the dignity, impartiality & ability with which he has presided over the Senate during the present Congress. [pp. 7-16 message of Pres. Davis, Jan 14, 1863]

p.18 Resolution of Mr H. on death of Hon Wm Ballard Preston

p. 29 Mr. H. introduced bill to provide for further issue of Treasury notes for other purposes Referred to Com on Finance

             to [?] bills 

[Several amendments ^offered by Mr. H. not intelligable without context which is not given, are submitted]

p. 567 Mr. H. offered amendments to pending bill, to organize forces to serve during the war, exempting certain shoe makers, blacksmiths wagonmakers, & millwrights. Adopted

p. 633 Mr. H offered amendment to [financial?] bill Adopted

p. 370 Mr. H appointed [?] Com of Conference

              chairman to 

p.721 – Appointed ^ Com of Conference on [disagreement?] of H. of R. on amendments to bill to tax, fund, & limit the currency.

p 741 Apptd Chmn of Com of Conf om bill levying taxes for support of Govt