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Clarksville Jan: 7th 1864
Thursday night-

My beloved Husband –
Shall I draw you a picture?
Scen [crossed out] Place – Mama’s room, scene one, boy on
the dry rubbing brush, propelled up and down
the floor by Helen, held on by Sally, and
laughing with delight on catching Helen eye.
I do wish you could see him – Picture number
two.  Our boy running around the table, coming
to th [crossed out] a plate of bread tiptoes an says tar- tar.
Picture no. 3.  Mother and wife in the dining
room cooking, both kneading dough, former
with her sleeve rolled up touching lightly with
her fingers what required a good share of strength
The result of the effort first their biscuit a regular
puff as much as an apple, instead of flat. The
latter peeps first into one oven and then another
to see how her cakes are coming on, occasionally
exclaiming light as a feather – burning
oh! me.  Parlour.  Helen assisted by Sarah
and Toby putting down the old carpet filled
with patches, all the family think the carpet

[page 2]
never was surpassed for beauty or comfort.
What is the reason of all this fuss you will say –
viz: We are to hold a choir meeting here to-mor
=row night, of which Helen says I must tell you
I am the leader. The choir is formed of good
Presbyterians. The Carrington & Talleys. The
former said they were coming in to learn
a certain tune, the latter have been very kind
to us, and we avail ourselves of this opportunity
to ask (us: stricken through) them to tea. I tell you a tea drinking
in this refugee family produces quite an
excitement. We, that is, Tom, Milly & George
are going down to the Depot to see some Tableaux,
for the benefit of the poor. The snow is falling
fast. notwithstand I intend to try it.  It is
almost useless for me to add that the sick
are out and doing well. Helen has not yet left
the house. I was delighted by your letter of the
27th telling me when to expect you. How
happy shall I be. The girls have come –
Come by the 18th – my birthday. God bless you
Devotedly your wife