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Greenwood Nov: 9th /62

My dear Friend

Through a letter from Ma
Sue on yesterday, I learned that you
are in Richmond, and at her [instance?]
wishes to beg you, if an opportunity
should occur, to send the enclosed letter
to her. You will confer on me a great
favor, for I have been so unfortunate
as never to succeed, in getting one to her
since the evacuation of Williamsburg.
I have [wished?] my dear Friend to
write you, now hearing of your


heavy affliction, but knew not until
yesterday, that you had returned
from Gloucester. I feel as if I must
express to you my heart felt sympathy,
in this mysterious bereavement, tho I
have no hope of saying one word to ease
your time, and bleeding heart. Too well
do I know, than in the hour of such
deep sorrow, no words of comforts can avail
any thing. I have to think, that you know
to whom to apply, for balm for your
wounded heart, that you are [enabled?]
to carry your [wound?], to the "Man of
[?]", and that you have learned


to cast your [burdens?] to Him, who [?]
for you, and to petition at the throne
of Grace, for strength to bear submissively
every dispensation of His Providence.
God is trying us all in the furance
of affliction, and Oh! form my heart
do I know how hard it is to say "Thy
will be done." I know but [cannot?] [?]
say "He [?] all things well." I have
heard none of the [?] of your
little darling's death, only the obituary,
but was [?] to hear that you were
with her. That was a comfort which so
many parents, in this day of [?]


are denied, that [?] you have [?] of
thankfulness. Try my [?] Friend to
look away from earth to Heaven, fix
your eyes one Jesus, He has promised
never to for sake those who trust in
Him. Give my love to Bland & Zettie
if they are with you. I think so often
of dear Mrs. Tucker in [?] and
do wish so much, that those miserable
[creatures?] would be driven [away?], from
our sweet old home. May God bless
and comfort you as He alone can, is the
prayer, [of your?] sympathizing and
affec Friend. Felicity H. Morrison
