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to take charge of the prisoners & turn them over
to Capt [Muray?], 1st Md, who was detailed to go to [R_d?]
with them, & did not catch up with it till 1 P.M.
At that time Gen Jackson had turned off Taylor's Brigade
towards Middletown, following it with his own column,
& had ordered Gen Ewell to halt Elzey & Trimble, (we
were then about 8 miles from Winchester) until further orders.
Gen Stewart had before pushed on to a little town
called Newtown on the Valley Pike, & was trying to ob-
struct the enemy's retreat. Gen Jackson about 2 1/2 P.M.
sent an order for Elzey to come around by Middletown &
join him, leaving Gen Ewell with only Trimble's Brigade.
He waited until 3 o clock & receiving no orders, but hearing
the firing always advancing down the Pike towards
Winchester, determined to push on towards Winchester
Being then within five miles of the town leaving Stewart
where he was. Notice of this move was sent to Gen Jackson
so that he might stop it if he wished, but at four o clock
an order came from him to push on towards Winchester.
Being then within five miles of the town, Gen Ewell
pushed on & at dark drove in the enemys picket, &
encamped within in 1 1/2 miles of the town. He had ordered
up Stewart on recg Gen Jackson's order, & about 10 P.M. that
Officer caught up, having however only the 1st Md Regt.
& the Brockenborough Battery. Next morning at day light
we pushed on, & the 21st No. Ca. Regt, Col Kirkland
having entered the town soon became hotly engaged
with two Regt. posted behind a stone wall, which
cut it up pretty badly, wounding Col Kirkland & Lt Col
[Peffer?] & killing & wounding 75 men. The 21st Ga.
