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Milton North Carolina Nov 30th [‘64?]

My Dear Aunt

I hope you have had my last letters though as I have had none from you for some time I am afraid you have not. (I was rejoiced to hear good accounts of you all from Dr. who wrote to me at once when he arrived though having heard of Mrs. Ludlows death he considered it his duty to go at once to Mobile to assist Mrs. Field in settling her affairs not knowing that Wm. Arnold was there. I wrote to him and to you of Mrs. Ludlows death since then I have had a letter from Mrs. Field she said her mother was only sick about half an hour, but from [Nannies?] ac- -count had not suffered much. Mrs. Field and her daughters were at Holly Springs, the girls are there now, but she will remain until she hears from her father. – Sophy has a situation in that neighbourhood as teacher. – I have written all this before but letters are so uncertain that I don’t know whether you have heard it.)-

We are still pleased here, the house has been sold & we are obliged to move but it seems a blessing in disguise as we move into a much more desirable house, nearer to our kind friends. There are many reasons for which I wish we could be with you but when I tell you I feel it my duty to remain here and see that I ought to I know you will be satisfied that it is so. You will hear all about us by the bearer of this letter.

The boys are well. Willie says he sends you a kiss & Charley told me to tell you that if he can make an old hog lay some little pigs he’ll send you one –

Cousin Anne concluded not to leave L.Burg after the wagon was packed and at the door but I have heard since that she and the children were at the Old Mansion – Sallie is there also, I am sorry she cannot remain in Richmond, but with board at $60 a month it is impossible. The last I heard of Cousin Eliza she was sick in bed with Rheumatism and fever,. I see by the papers that Dabney is made a Major General. Promotion is rapid in the army but by favour in the Navy –

I have a pretty lonely time here but I have a good many kind friends who come in to sit with me and shall have more in the other house, it is in the town, it has a good garden in good order, dining room parlour and three bedrooms, it is the parsonage and the clergyman leaves it to live in the country for economy & will leave the


most part of his furniture, besides which he laid down[crossed out] up his stove[crossed out] winter stock of wood at a low price which he will let me have at the same – it is very expensive here but cheaper than anywhere else, bacon is 40 cts a lb Flour $20 a barrel and other things in proportion. -

I hear Willie his lessons every day except when his father is here and then he teaches him, (he has quite a good idea of spelling but does not progress fast somehow he gets into [town??] studies and it is almost impossible to collect his thoughts so I think it is all the more important to keep him regularly at work. - ) As usual I have plenty of sewing on hand though I see the end of my winters work this time, for one thing I can get so little to make up. I have knit stockings for Mary Lewis, and socks for the boys. I have put Mary Lewis in long dress which is a great improvement to her and mean to let her hair grow long now. She is very pretty [‘very pretty’ underlined]. (she has been more complaining than usual all summer but at Mrs. Wilsons she had more vanity than was good for her and sat up late at night too. [?] she is well & strong again she is just about Jane’s height though I expect she will grow taller but she does it very gradually. There is a good school to which she goes it suits all parties better than home teaching) – (Charley grows very little he is a great pet with every one

he is so bright and good tempered and so pretty.  Willie 

is petful but I no do not think he is strong he needs this good native air). Oh! you do not know how I have longed to be with you this Summer, what a happiness it will be when we do meet again –

Delia is here and I expect Lavinia & Willy, little Delia is hired out and Louisa, poor misguided child has gone off, I feel to ruin – We hire a man to cut wood and carry water and I hire a very good cook, we put all the washing out, so that you see we get on quite comfortably – and when I see & hear of others being in so much more discomfort than I am, I can see that instead of murmuring I ought to be thankful, but I am so very tired of packing and unpacking. ( I feel very sorry for Cousin Anne it is such a responsibility with Cousin Mat away & her delicate health too. Will and Bettie are in Richmond nannie is with her mother however & you know she is much more of a help.) How often I wish I had a help and a companion –

Give my love to Harriet when you write to her, to Sarah & the boys and to all relations & friends – I believe Miss Mary

[Marginalia - Top of Pg1]

is still in Richmond but I have not heard from her lately – All our friends I believe are as usual With best love to your- -self & longing I cant tell you how much to talk instead of write I remain your affce niece