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<html>called me yesterday after church - 
looked very nice in his black 
suit - said the College was to 
stay in Williamsburg - so the Trus-
tees determined.  He has been 
rather expecting Gen E_ & his par-
ty here, as Pauline said they were 
undetermined in their movements. 
Pauline seems to think she will have 
to return to Baltimore to bring you all 
safely back!  Saturday evening, 
Aunt Sue- Mrs Haye & my self went 
to Jackson in that same ambulance ['same ambulance' underscored] 
& carried out a half bushel of peaches - 
some cheese, cake, &c.  We had quite an 
exciting time - were too late going - & as we
passed the guard station there were sever-
al drunken soldiers who nearly stopped 
our ambulance - & one rushed up to the 
side & nearly caught may arm, as another 
dragged him back.  I never was so 
frightened in my life - as we were 
alone with tht back driver - but 
