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Mt. Pleasant Nov. 13th 1862

Mr Dear Brother

I wrote you a short letter with one I sent Abe last week but will write a few lines again in with the gloves. I am really ashamed not to have sent them sooner but Ma & I went to Brother's & staid some time & I couldn't get the yarn ready now it is very coarse but the ^gloves^ will be the warm er for that. Hal Edmunds was here yesterday & they fit him exactly so I hope they will fit you. You will have to get a trans fer to the Pr. Ed. Calvary if you want to get home. Stewart rides them so hard that they are killing up their horses & coming home every few weeks to get new ones. Hal came a few days ago to get a new one & he hasn't been there more than ten weeks. But Bro Dick was riding his horse when he got wounded & the Yankees got him. He says during the raid into Penn they went 28 hours without stopping even to water their horses. Some of them are back here all the time after new horses. Bro Dick was here ^Mon^ day his wound is very slight & is healing very fast. It is on the back part of his head & bled very freely & they feared at first that the skull might be injured, but he seems perfectly well says he cut three Yanks very badly. He made a very narrow escape. And we feel so thankful to have him back safe & sound. He says he wants to join your company very much but there is no chance now since he is made Capt. Sister Sue sends love to you & says she wants to write to you very much but is so busy now that she will have to put it off a while longer. She & all of the children are in high fix getting ready to go to Old Mr. Redd's today to a [dining?] he having been married yesterday to Mrs. Skidmore. I believe it is a very pleasing match. Maria Dupuy will be married in the course of a fortnight. Mr. Anderson was at the Court House tuesday to get his license. I reckon Brother Dick wont go back until after the marriage. We heard the other day that Cousin James Lyon will be married soon to one of Sam Venable's daughters Margaret or Janie. It is generally believed & I hope it is so. Mary has so many cares & is so lonely there. I went to see them while at Brother's & I thought Cousin James needed a wife very much. Mary looked very sad. She seems to feel Goodie's death very much & Mr. Witt to whom she was engaged died about the same time. Dick is at College & [Ballie?] & Ben were at home but both ought to be at school. I don't know whether I wrote you word that Cousin Jacob has lost two of his little boys with diptheria. The whole family have been sick with it. We have had very bad colds here & Ma & I both are right unwell now with colds. We haven't heard from Nannie since I came back from Brother's. I suppose she takes all of her spare time writing to you. Mother was right sick when we heard from Brother Wills last but I hope it was nothing serious. I was in Farmville a few days ago & met with Ben Dupuy. He made very particular inquiries af ter you. He looked so singular that I felt right much afraid of him. I was afraid he was drunk said he expected to start back to his Grand Moth ers sometime this week. Sister Sue & the Children are off at last & there is quite a calm in the house. Mr. Redd went yesterday up to the marriage. I have seen Mr. Whorey's bride she is a fine looking lady. They will live at his Mother's the balance of this year. All join me in love to you & all of the cousins. I hope you will be able to get home now cold weather has set in.

Your own Loving Sister, Pattie

Following written in margin:

Mr. Nath. V. Watkins Care of Capt Tho R Bagby Chaffins Bluff Batteries Virginia

Following written in margin (upside down)

I send Pattie's letter. Have just heard that Capt. Bagby

has been promoted to Maj. of Col. [Goodes?] Rgt. Our 1st. Lt.

Bagby will be promoted to be our Capt. He is the only one

of our officers who is not pious, --- is young, childish,

with no settled principles, but is a first rate fellow in every

other respect. Most of the men will be pleased with the change

I think but I do not like it.-------