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By the way, do not the ladies gener-
ally give [tone?] to their social circle?
So are not you & Hattie somewhat
responsible for the rapid demoral-
ization of that noble stuff."

I congratulate you on a return to
[trunks?] &c for I had been expressing
my regret that you could not wear
all your pretty clothes. We had very
pleasant letters, all of us, from Dr.
Hoge, & it cheered Mrs. Hoge very
much indeed to receive such good
tidings. In each letter he mentions
his darling boy, & I dread to think
of his anguish when he hears of his
death. Every thought of his coming
now seems mingled with sadness
You have no idea how we miss the
little boy. Mary seems hourly to
recall some thing he did or said.
She & Bessie are still undecided
as to when they will go to Halifax.
Both are much better for a week or
so, I think eating fruit, & getting
