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MAY 30

     A perfectly lovely day --- spent

on the roof, lazying around the

house and packing up Trunk.

    This evening the Seniors went down

to Pat Lavery’s for supper ---

it was so pleasant and we had

a grand time.

     Along about then, Mother, Dad

and Liz arrived in Billsburg

--- its so good to see them! --

and we all went to the Lodge

to their rooms for homemade

cake and port wine – had a hysteri-

cal time with it all.

     They brought some stupendous

graduation gifts to me: - genuine

pearls from Mother.  Jenston bracelet

& earrings from Aunt Jean & Uncle Bill,

smooth Mark Cross wallet from Floyd,

4 lovely dinner knives from Lizzie,

$20 from Aunt Esther & Aunt Bert Thompson.

I’m so terribly lucky!
