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MARCH 17 – St. Patrick’s Day

     Another nice day, though it’s

turned Hellishly hot and we really

swelter in our cotton dresses: -

so early in the year for this!

     I did a little more Flat

Hat work – roasted – and

then we all went over to

the Jazz Concert in Phi Bete

given by Dean Hudson and

his orchestra.  It was terrific.

     Elaine’s and my Air Corps

Lieutenants have shipped out –

for Mitchel Field, we Think! –

and so we stayed home this

evening, but have had such a

wonderful time all weekend that

we haven’t cared.

     I turned faintly energetic

and wrote 8 letters.

     Excitement as I phoned the police

to have them chase a sex maniac in

Sorority Court – at 2:00 this morning!
