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April 9

Happy Easter!    [small sketch of bunny]

     And a lovely Easter it was too!  Besides

my Easter outfit, I got two war bonds

slips, a set of glasses from Nana, gloves,

pocketbook, 40 in nickles, books, records,

apron and the usual baskets of candy

and Easter eggs.  A lucky gal!!

     Bill Brennan hit town last night

and I was s’posed to go out with him,

but had made the other plans before,

and so saw him today instead.  He

took me over to his house – Dave

was there along with Keith (a guy

from Hamilton) and his whole family.

We had a good time singing around

the piano and fooling.  They’re all

nice people. – and I like ‘em good.

Stan drove us into Grand Central

where we saw Bill & Keith off.  I

don’t expect to see Bill for awhile

This is quite a war.
