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March 21   Spring?

     So much happening!  This afternoon a

gang of us went to see Orson Wells and

Joan Fontaine in “Jane Eyre.”  It was

wonderful – put us in a trance.

     Tonight we had a big ole W. S. C. G. A.

meeting announcing the lessening of

campus social rules.  We have 11 o’clock

permission two nights a week – 12

o’clock on Saturday – can smoke on the

porches and can date on Monday

We beam!

     Ray called and wanted me to go

out, as did an anonymous “Paul

Jones” who claims to have met me

at the Lodge three weeks ago – me

thinks he’s connected with Kenny.

I went to W. S. C. G. A. meeting

instead – but it’s fun!

    We have a new pledge –

Ann Johnson.
