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July 26

   The day at the office went as usual –

Evie and I had lunch at Soloway’s and

then ripped to Sak’s as I bought leg

foo and goo, since I’d run desperately

low on the old.

   After work I met Mother and Bugsie

for a restful dinner in the air conditioned

Savarin (It’s turned hot again!). We

killed time and then hopped a subway

to [Lewisohn?] Stadium where we met Cary

her mother and a friend of theirs. The

concert was superb. Andre Kostelanetz was

the Guest Conductor of the Philadelphia

Philharmonic and Lily Pons was the

soloist. Carl Sandburg narrated a nother

Lincoln epic. It was so peaceful listening

to the beautiful music underneath the

stars as the flags gently billowed forth

and an occasional airplane blinked its way

across the horizon. I loved it good!

    A perky letter from Floyd. He doesn’t

expect a furlough.
