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May 2

   Such an unusual little day! We slept

unusually late and then Beth, Punchy and I

dressed to go to church. As we came out

of Bruton, Joy Allen pounced upon Punchy

and me saying Cary had walked by with

two ensigns and a lieutenant j.g. and

wanted us to walk up to the Lodge

and meet them. Bewildered, we looked

at each other with a what-the-heck

attitude and walked on up. Sure enough,

there was Cary with three naval officers!

We soon became acquainted and had

loads of fun drinking champagne

cocktails and eating dinner. After awhile

we came back to the house and played

the vic. It was really a terrifically

pleasant afternoon.

    Cary, Punchy and I pored through the

want ads and I wrote six or seven letters

of application to see how the land lies.

    I tried to phone Bill Brennan to wish him

a happy birthday but couldn't get the call thru.
