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March 21

'Tis the first day of spring, but you'd

never know it! It's blizzarded as

I've never before seen it in Virginny.

And to think that just yesterday

we sweltered in cotton dresses. This

weather confuses me!

The alarm didn't go off this morning so

we slept through communion and went to

breakfast instead and then to church. This

afternoon, I studied for my Psych exam and

then Punchy and I went to the forum which

Dr. Foltin led (to get an A in

Psychology for effort). The rest of

the time we studied some more

wrote letters, knit on afghans

for the Red Cross (community jobs)

and marveled at the snow.

I wrote deep letters to both Bills.

I hope maybe I cheered Bill Boyd

up a little – I wanted to so badly.

Cary came in dreamily from a date with a Lt.
