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January 11

Such a nice day! After lunch I

went over to the dorm and fooled around,

before going to the movies with Cary,

Colbie, Jan, Janie and Dot Raymond.

We saw "Once Upon a Honeymoon" starring

Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers. It was


There was a Women's Student Government

meeting in Phi Beta and then our sorority

meeting. The latter thrilled me terrifically

for I was nominated, elected, and

installed assistant treasurer of KΔ.

It so completely surprised me though

that my right hand shook terrifically

when I raised it to take the oath of

office. Anyhoo, I'm awfully glad

about the whole thing! I can't quite

picture me as being Treasurer some day!

I aint the type!

I got my boxes from home with clothes,

food, records and the like, so we had a

