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I’m gong up after Christmas vacation.  They’re such

nice people!

                        Dec. 11, 1942

            I cut Spanish and went up in the tower for

two hours by myself since Cary isn’t here to go

with me.  Dyke Vermilye called up and I [trekked?] over

to the Flat Hat office to deliver bills downtown.

It was interesting (my first experience at collecting

bills) and I did collect $3.60.

            Beth and I met Jane Enberge, went to the

movies to see “You Were Never Lovelier” with Fred

Astaire and Rita Hayworth.  It was crummy

although there was good music in it.

            Beth and I collected more bills and

went to a Backdrop Club meeting.  I saw Dyke and

gave him the money.

            Muggy came to spend the night.

                        Dec. 12, 1942

            I had an Economics class this afternoon,

with plans made for a party Tuesday night.  I’m

afraid I won’t be able to go though cause

of fixing to go home and studying for a Sociology

test. Phoo!
