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            Cary and I spotted planes and

then met Mother.  We had a bite to eat at

the Goeck’s and I went back to the

lodge with her.  Cary, Kay, Beth and

Danny went up for dinner and I spent the

night with Mother.

                        Oct. 24, 1942

            It’s Homecoming and scads of

alums are back: it’s good seeing them!

We also had our first home game, beating

George Washington 61 to 0.  Such a football

team as we have.

                        Oct. 25, 1942

            I spent the day at the Lodge with

Mother, studying, reading, talking and stuff.

I slept there again too.

                        Oct. 26. 1942

            It really poured!  I looked like

a drowned rat as I plodded my dripping

way to classes.  No tennis – but a [bygone?]

lecture.  Mother & I toured the dorm and then

had supper at the Lodge before I came back

to the house for song practice & sorority meeting.
