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            I wrote and typed my Economics

paper on the decline of the Standard of

Living – very intellectual.

            This evening, Lou, Kay, Colbie, Pat

[To…m?] and Sue Lamb and I went to the

Lodge.  We met two sailors – one from San

Antonio – who sat with Kay, Lou and me.

They weren’t the pickup type and were

real nice.  They paid for our supper.

            All the kids in the house had a

hysterical time last night playing

bridge.  We laughed ourselves silly.

I’ve been getting interesting mail.

I actually got a card as well as a

letter from Bill Brennan written two

weeks. (Phenomenal for him!) I was

worried cause I haven’t been hearing

from Bill Boyd as much as usual.  In a

real sweet letter, I found he’s been

in a hospital in Texas with pneumonia.

It takes so long for mail to get here that

I don’t know just how he’s feeling now.

I also, besides letters from Floyd, got a
