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so we showed her all around the City.

She seems to love it!  We went to the

Roxy and saw "Footlight Serenade."  Oooh

that Betty Grable!

            Bugsie came up tonight.

                        Sept 11, 1942

            Ginnie took her first subway

ride.  We all went through some department

stores, St. Patrick's and the like.  We

rode on the upper part of a Fifth

Avenue bus to Claremont Inn for lunch.

It's a wonderful place.  We went

through Riverside Church and Grant's

Tomb and took the bus ride [home?]

again.  More fun – so [heck – y!?]

            We all met Daddy and went to

Loft's again

                        Sept. 12, 1942

            More sightseeing! Cary, Ginnie

and I went to Radio City where I

say "Talk of the Town" again.  Ginnie

adores Radio City.  We explored Rockefeller

Center and ate in the Cafe Louis XIV.
