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            I got two real swell letters f rom

Bill Boyd.  Mother and Dad also got one,

apologizing for having stayed so late Saturday

night – I mean Sunday morning.

                        Sept. 5, 1942

            Mother, Bugsie and I drove Cary

into Chelsea Gardens, the apartment her

mother found.  It's very nice.  We had

lunch in Cavanaugh's and then shopped.  

I bought girdles, bras and a darling

 red wool dress with the money Dad

gave me for my birthday.

            Bill phoned once and Floyd,

twice this morning.

                        Sept. 6, 1942

            Mother, Daddy and I went to

Howard Johnson's for lunch.  Tis disillusionin[g]

the way food prices have gone up!

            Floyd phoned twice again, but

I still manage to avoid him.  

            Bill came up for awhile this

evening to say Goodbye to Mother and

Dad.  It's so sad to think that Bill is
