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end.  We had lunch at a sidewalk cafe –

Italian and good.

            Bill, Dave, Cary and I went to the

Alden to see two more revivals – "Top Hat," the

Astaire-Rogers musical and "Duke of West

Point" starring Louis Hayward.  Both

were interesting movies.  Bill and Dave

came back for awhile and we talked

and stuff some more.

                        Sept. 4, 1942

            Again we stayed home and

caught up on correspondence and the

like.  Ever since Cary has been here

we've howled and howled.  She's such


            We met Daddy and then Mother and

Daddy dropped us at Joanie's.  Edith [Karl?]

came home from camp Wednesday and

is going into nursing next week, so Joanie

gave a combination "Hello-Goodbye" – and

Happy Birthday" party for her.  It was a

good buffet supper.  We had lots of

fun, reminiscing about old times.
