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starting my hopechest – optomist that she is];

Lucien Lelong's "Indiscrete" perfume – a

heavenly whiff – from Bill Brennan; beautiful

flowers from Bill Boyd; corsage and

engraved leather book cover from Floyd;

leather wallet from Bugsie; Chen Yu nail polish

set from Doris address book from Aud;

Revlon set from Pats; red purse from

Aunt [Bert?]; slip from Aunt Fan; evening

bag from Aunt Clarice; stockings from 

Billy; carriage from Cary; cologne from

Margeret Doering; atomizer from Lou;

picture – fold from Kay; pen from

Ginnie; powder and tissue boxes

from Holly – and scads of cards

including a special delivery from

Bill Boyd.

            Doggone, I'm so completely happy!

Life's beautiful and stuff

            Kay, Lou and Bugsie came

up this afternoon and Bill & Pats

came this evening after I'd gone to

