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                       July 23, 1942

     I worked at the Day Nursery 

again - same stuff, only even more 

taxing.  They all seemed to be in 

bratty moods. 

     I got a real nice letter from 

Bill Boyd -the first I'd heard 

from him since my telegram 

Monday. He's still so swell. 

     Floyd came up and asked 

me to go to a movie with him but 

just before that I'd told Bill I'd 

go down to the Hollis with him and 

Dave.  We had a riot of a time, 

laughing continuously.  Dave stayed 

at the movies longer and Bill and 

I went to [Umlandt's?] and came 

on home.  I think that any strained 

situation of last week between Bill 

Brennan and me is cleared up - 

I hope so anyway.

                               July 24, 1942

     Mother and I relaxed again, 

