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possible but we collected merely $.50.

Awful, isn't it?

     I gave Pats her seventh lesson, 

and this evening those fellows came 

up again and were even more fun 

than the other evening.  They're really 

grand.  I also asked Bugsie And 

Lousie and Pats to come up.  Louise 

stayed all night.

                               July 22, 1942

     For a complete change I relaxed 

and took things easy. Moms and I 

took Louise home, eating at Howard 

Johnson's first.  We again met Dad 

at Rencher's.

     Bussie called and asked me 

to got to a movie with him Sunday 

night.  I cant believe he's asked me 

for an actual date.  Probably I'll be 

stood up as he has quite a 

reputation for having stood girls 

up many a time in his "past 

