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                       (?)  and H.  to see Cinnerama 

                                           with Calvin and Arm.

                                       Monday, January 2, 1956

                                  2nd Day-364 Days to Follow

12 (degree sign)

Beautiful day. but cold.  Dad and I up at 8, after breakfast Dad put fire (?) Bomb up in kitchen.  looked nice.  We got them from Woolridge.  Earl and Lanny and children over at 11 for little while.  Bud played game of Parchesi (sic) with Kermy.  They had fun out shooting arrows early.  We had a bite, them Bob came for me at 1-30.  Dad took nap.  I stayed with Susan and Bobby while Ma J took Ethel and Bob to movie.  I brough her clothes in at 5, and they came soon after.  Susan got up and Bobby and I played games Ethel put veal roast and veg. in pressure cooker.  Dad came and we had supper to get there.  Bob not too good so didn't eat much.  After dishes were done, Dad and I on home.  Earl home about 9, he had taken Dad L back to hospital.  Ma L. along.
