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Temp. Max. 91  Min. 78

Friday Oct. 8th 1926    Day of departure from Canal Zone


Dr and Mrs Knight drove down to the ship

at 9 A.M. to say good-bye. She gave me a

colored Panamaian grass bag. Received a cable from

Lou saying "Send clothes to Annapolis" -- we expected

to leave them with the Knights for him until the

Pittsburg arrived a few days later so couldn't

imagine what had happened. We sailed at

10 A.M. for San Pedro Cal. and it was

most interesting to see them maneuver the

ship out of the narrow slip and thru the

channel into the Pacific Ocean. A pilot

took us out to the open sea when he

climbed down a jacob's ladder into his speed

boat which darted alongside then off back to

Balboa. Pelicans were everyhere; in the

air, on drift-wood and buoys and on the

water. The sea was as smooth as a mill pond.

I saw a few porpoises swimming about.

After lunch, Bill and I sat in on a bridge

game with Mrs Davis and an Ensign and played

until 5:50 P.M. I won 2.20 and Bill won 20¢

at a tenth of a cent. Am dizzy to-day --

didn't sleep well last night at all, were alongside

of the dock and not a breath of air came into

our room, was soaking wet in the morning and

the fan was blowing on me all night too.

To-day, being underway and a little breeze

coming in on the starboard side seems to

indicate that to-night won't be so hot. The

movie to-night is Harold Loyd in "The Freshman".

Just loved every minute in Panama, and

hope we can have duty there some day. Will

say the people there all seem to chase a

good time a little much. Mrs Knight read

my palm -- said we would have a baby

soon, also that the trip would do me lots

of good.

Bill has looked up the prevailing

winds for the trip up to San Pedro and

says they will blow most from ahead and a

little on the starboard side; thank Heavens

for that because all the winds on the

Atlantic coast down were on the port side

and we suffered in our room on the starboard

