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1.  MERCREDI.  Circoncision.

At 9 o'clock Dec. 31st the

non-coms assembled at Non-

coms Mess to hail the New Year

in.  We had plenty of smokes, drinks,

and refreshments.  Had twelve

pieces of 101st Engrs' band for

mucis.  At 1 minute of twelve

we started a racket with pans,

drums, horns, dishes, etc that lasted

for 5 minutes.  Had a French Lt. sing

songs in French.  Broke up a 2 o'clock.

Rec'd a present from Bertha.

2.  JEUDI.  S. Basile.

Started work at 8:30

as usual.  Planned to go

on my leave. Had a bath and

physical exam. 

Retired at 11:30 o'clock.
