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and do so – could you but step in some

time and see the business on my hands

as well as mentally engaged you would

not wonder when I tell you

I have not time to write.  So many to pro

-vide for – so many calls to answer abroad

as well as at home – you would not

wonder that I am a little cross sometimes.

You know we cant bridle our passions at

all times.  I wish you could see our little

children, we have three that can not be

excelled – our boys extremly amiable –

our little girl extremely passionate.  I tell

Mr Wier jocularly (though more than

half in earnest) that she is in that

respect all Wier.  I have enough temper

sometimes fear I am in that respect a

little over ballanced.  I ask you again

cant you steal of from your home and

visit us, now that the crops are laid

you might come with out any loss, you'll

never regret it.  The mail boy hurrying

me and must close.  Let us hear from
