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                 Nov 2th /64.

Mr Armistead Wier.

               Dear Sir


                           Again I

hurridly snatch a few moments from 

my household duties this morning to

write you a letter for your brother as well

as myself.  Your last letter acknowledge

-ing the receipt of the money sent you

some time ago, gave your broth

-er much satisfaction – and should

(as your requested) been answered immediately

but extreme sickness prevented.  Your

brother has just recovered from a severe

and dangerous spell of sickness, for

several days we were almost ready to

despair of his life – but Providence has

kindly spared his life for some wise

purpose.  He was sick about four weeks

and at the same time your son John

& wife were both confined to their beds

very sick with Billious fever.  Johns health

seems very delicate, we have had a very

sick family all the summer & fall, both

white and black, hence we are very

backward gathering our crop, & must loose
