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I have made $400 last year, but this year I have made

my business is I think not so good.  I have

$120 house rent to pay, am obliged to keep

two servants a woman and a girl.  I have

three children, all boys, the youngest only seven

weeks old.  My boys are all well.  My wife is very

unwell and has been so ever since last [summer?]

so you see with the times I have, and the large

family I have to take care of, I have nothing

else to expect but to work hard and live and

die a poor devil.  If I had the last ten

years to live over again it would be very different

I know, but it is of no use crying what is

done cant be helped.  But when I think what I

might have been, and then look at myself and

see what I now am, it is impossible then

to describe my feelings, to see many tides

which I have not taken in this time my brain

is then on fire, my mind a perfect hell.

I hope your fortune, your prospects may never

be as gloomy as mine is just now, no more of that.

We have had quite a war fever here two com-

panies of volunteers have been mustered in this little

town (which is not near as large as New haven) of

nearly 200 hundred men, one of which is on their

way to Mexico, the other left this place last

week on Tuesday for Old point comfort, and will

start soon for the seat of war, two went
