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from the shore leading to the

unprotected part of the camp

put a charge of grape on top

of ball, layed on arms ready

for the fray.  They came not.

     How close upon the eve

of being made heroes, cowards

or corpses!  But so far as

your dear husband in con-

cerned, he has a decided pre-

dilection for the former trans-

-formation. Fate has de-

creed that neither was our

immediate lot.

    I have not had any appre-

hension of an attack until

last night, and not much

then.  Some few reinforce-

ments have arrived to-day,

and the fortifications are being

strengthened in anticipation of

an attack to night; so I will leave

a space for noting the events

of the night, should I not be put out

of writing condition, of which

I have no fears.

     I must now tell you

our mails did not return by

the U S S Wabash, on which
