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Camp near Drury's [Drewry’s] Bluff, [Chesterfield County, Va.] June 11th 1862

My dear wife –

I write hastily this morning, as much to let you know where we are, so that you may know how to direct your letters, as for anything, else – as you will doubt- less see Mr. Booker soon, and learn from him how we are situated, and faring. Three companies of our Battalion (have found out at last how to spell the word) were ordered yesterday to report to Col[onel] Goode (Mrs. Baskerville’s brother) in [Brigadier General Henry A.] Wise’s’ Brig- gade, same division, Gen[eral] [Daniel Harvey] Hill’s. So we are now in Col[onel] J[ohn] Thomas Goode’s Reg[imen]t which is made up entirely of heavy artillerists changed to infantry, and I suppose that here we will stay during the war. The ser- vice is much harder than artillery service, but as infantry is much more needed than any other branch, and we can do more good here than else where, I am disposed to be satisfied and cheerful, and take things as they come. In fact all of our


taken for you, but every thing is closed in R[ich]mond [Virginia] after 2 o.c[lock] and I failed. I was almost as much disappointed about it as you will be, as I wanted you to see how likely I have gotten to be. Saw Tom Venable & Crawford [Cr...?] in R[ichmond] – Mr. Baskerville was there sick, but I couldn’t see him. Tom Compton was there too, but I didn’t see him. Please keep the letters I sent you by Mr. Booker – I must close so that I may send this to-day – write soon directing to “Richmond, Capt[ain] Bagley’s Company, Col[onel] J. T. Goode’s Reg[imen]t, Wise’s Brigade.” Much, much love to all – May God watch over you and ours. Your devoted husband N[athaniel] V. W[atkins]

I have written so hastily that I dont feel at all satisfied with this. I write mostly to give you my address.