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with the measles I got a letter 

from Sister daphne last saturday 

& she said that they were all well 

she said that they had a cow and

cat but no baby.  Sovia wrote that

albro went after my clothes but they 

were not there  I put thn into a box 

with the other boys satchels and Sent 

the box to Mr dow th merchant in 

randolph  I had two shatchels tied to 

gather and Directed to C P Churchill 

Keenedy and I put into the box a 

oil cloth cape rolled with a strng 

tied round it and a paper under the sting 

requsting Mr. Dow to put them into my 

satchels and forward them to Keenedy 

there was in the roll a gun lock that 

I picked up in the guard house 

in albany the gun it come off of was 

all stove to piecese the lock is a good one

& they are not to [Keened?] you will have 

to go to Randolph after them I do not 

want to lose them

Yours in haste C P Churchill


[Marginalia - top of page]

I will write to Eunice and Sovia next

give my love to father and mother 

and jump [?] for me.
