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[Marginalia – Top of page – continuation from page 4]

Kiss charley & Minnie for me – Much love to all – will try & write in less haste to-morrow or next day and have a letter ready to send by every opportunity – May God bless you [and?] [?] – y[ou]r aff[ectionate] husband N[athaniel] V. W[atkins]

New Kent County [Virginia] May 13th [18]62

My dear Nannie – We are now in the Army of the Peninsula – in the Grand Army, - somewhere in New Kent County – in a nice old field – doing finely. We staid at Hanover C[ourt] H[ouse] [Virginia] one day to rest and get orders from R[ich]mond [Virginia], expecting to go to Richmond & stay a week to drill on field pieces. Our company has been tem- porarily divided one half (including our boys) being detailed to take charge of four field pieces which were left at Glo[uce]ster P[oin]t [Virginia] by the Glo[uce]ster militia, and the other half being armed with mus- kets. We were ordered on Sunday morning to march to [General Joseph E.] Johnston’s Army, and after hearing a fine sermon at Hanover Church started at [?] and marched [?] 15 miles & Monday after a long dusty march reached this place. We dont know what will be done with us, but our


officers are making efforts, with some prospect of success, to get us again into a heavy battery near R[ich]mond – I hope I can hear again from you – dont know now where to have my letters directed, and can write only when I accidentally find someone going to R[ich]mond. We have all kept very well during the march, and I have improved a good deal – am getting fat & hard, but until to-day was as dirty & black as you ever saw me af- ter a weeks threshing of wheat. To-day I took a nice bath, & put on a full set of clean clothes & had my hair cut short, and my friends scarcely knew me. Yesterday I fell in with a detachment of the 18th V[irgini]a having in it a company from Charlotte, [County] & walked 100 y[ar]ds or more talking with old acquaintances, before we found out each other we had


been so much charged by the dust & service. After getting here yesterday Sam [?] & I stared off to look a- round for acquaintances – We soon saw a man with 23[r]d N[orth] C[arolina] on his cap – in- quired for Capt[ain] Baskerville & found them camped about 1/2 miles from us, but on drill – this evening we went down to make them a visit (though during to-day we have been moved 3 miles from them) Spent a pleasant time with Capt[ain] B[askerville] Bob Hicks, [?], D[octo]r [Sims?] who is elected L[ieutenan]t in Tom Covington’s place – adjoining them was the regiment in which Jonny Watkins was, but we were disappointed in seeing him, as he had gone home. I saw yesterday from my camp six or seven thousand men on drill at one time – it was a grand sight – but to-day we are moved out where we have only one regiment near us – this was a fine change, as we get much better water, are more quiet, and


have a much cleaner place – I regre[t]ted to say the [Captain] Baskerville was very well & stands the service finely – he told me that I came in two or three minutes yesterday of seeing Mr. [Foneette?] (the preacher). We are having a much easier time in light artillery, than the infantry have, and are getting on as well as soldiers could be expected to do. We get no news, & know nothing of the where- abouts of the Enemy –There are about 65,000 men on the Peninsula. I have this from good authority & Have seen & heard nothing from Bro[ther] Dick. I write in great haste, as I can send this to R[ich]mond to-morrow. If you could inclose a letter to Mr.How[son & get him to direct is to me, in Capt[ain] Bagleys K[ing] & Q[ueen] artillery care of Col[onel] Cha[rle]s A. Crump, I might get it. He might find some way of sending it to Col[onel] Crump, or I might get some friend going to R[ich]m[on]d to call at Mr. H[owison]’s for it – Oh precious you dont know how much I would give for a few lines from you – I shall write whenever I can get a way of sending off a letter.

[continues on Page 1 Marginalia]