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Orleans worth 1/2 million dollars - and Liut

Ostrander of Kentucky - Dr Glanci of Texas -

and other celebrities all our sugeons freeze to

me they say I am a "good fellow" do you think

so -

  There is a melodeon in camp and because

I can play "holley" the soldiers think I am an

Excellent performer Why I heard two of them

say there goes that apothecary he is a splendid

player on the Melodeon - What a libel

  I will write you again soon how lonely I

shall feel to night Oh darling pet I wish I could

only get a kiss from you - I love you all the same

And I shall have a chance to see whether there

is any truth in that saying that "absence makes

the heart grow fonder" by being away I cant

say whether I shall be down for certain

withiin a month my love to your father &

  Mother little Helen and all my friends

  accept the largest portion yourself

       from yours affectionately


Please direct as per card
