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breakfasted - and resumed my visit to the camp sent in my

card and Dr Hale sent me a pass in - oh ye Gods and little

fishes what a sight 9000 ragged - dirty solvenly - bevermined

Secesh in adundance - and lots of Uncle Sam's boys

butternut and blue are the cardinal colors here -

   Dr Hale has his office in the chaplain's room E.B. [Tulth]

(Episcopalian) lots of books in his office prayer books, bibles

Pilgrims progresse's - Harpers, Dickens etc waited there

while Dr Hale wrote 150 or two hundred prescriptions

Dr McVickar was not in and Dr Hale went to a

funerel so I was left prisoner for I could get no pass

and only the colonel could give me one - dined

with the post apothecary at Head Quarters in the rear

of the Federal Drug Store - slept with Dr McVickars clerk

   Woke in the morning (not by Bessie" saying "my [shtars]

git up" for are ye's shlaping fur till brickfast time" but) by

the booming of a big brass cannon about 20 yards from

head quarters, if the sound of a ladys whisper the softest

marks on fine paper a mark thus [squiggly line] surely the noise

of a cannon must be thus [bold vertical lines] - ala [E]. Sanford

   But breakfast at head quarters being ready I was

not slow to participate and the food being the cream

of the hospital store it was delicious forsooth." but

they make Uncle Sam pay for things

   I finally saw Dr McVickar - he gave me a

situation as Assistant Post Apothecary and as

there is a clause in the army regulations giving
