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           Camp Douglass Chicago

                Apothecary's Hd Quarters

                       Federal Drug Store

My dearest darling Celia -

            This is Sunday - but alas there is no

Sunday in Camp I would not believe it but now I can

realize it - but you must be told how I got into Camp

        Well my dear - I left Morris after my visit to you

and was soon travelling Garden City Wards - it was 1/2 past 6

when I arrived in Chicago - (I forgot to tell you that Revd Jno

[Fraine] was my travelling companion) the first thing I did

was to find a friend of mine Dr Gaines, with him, I left my

satchel, and proceeded to the Metropolitan Hotel, where I got

my supper & engaged a room. After refreshing the inner

man I took the State St Cars to Camp Douglass - Dr

Hale I was told by the officer of the guard was not at

his quarters, or as I should say in civil life he was not at

home, well darling I fretted and stewed about the camp

fence, till nine oclock p.m. - Thnunderation says I this will

never do "taint no use" he will not be here to night - so down

I goes again into the city - went to McVickers Theatre -

now you know Theatres are bad places for the young to go

to, they are sure to come to the gallows if they have a

hankering after circuses and theatres - but which

is better the Theatre or the bar-room? - surely the

former - came out, and proceeded to my room

     Got up with the lark - you know there

are lots of larks in Chicago - so I got up with them -
