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(who had been sent for) arrived and stopped
them, he rated them soundly, told them they
were disgracing the U.S. service, by stealing, and
order them off, he then went with Dr C. to the
camp, and got a protection for the place.
The information of it had been given by one of
their own servants. The news sheet this evening
says that Banks was terribly beaten on Saturday,
They admit 100 wounded and some prisoners,
but say nothing of the killed except that their
loss in officers was unusually heavy. They claim
that Gens. Winder and Trimble on our side, are
both killed, and that Jackson is retreating
rapidly, and Pope in pursuit. A letter today from
Maj. Tom Marshall, he was severly, but not danger=
ously wounded in the head, and is a prisoner.
Thursday August 14th. Details of the battle, which is
said to have been one of the most bloody of the
war. We have every reason to hope that our
brigade was not engaged, though they say today,
that Gen. Winder was there and wounded but not
killed, the same of Gen. Trimble. We have had
other victories. Cumberland Gap is taken, Baton
Rouge is taken, and Independence, Mo. Against
us the ram Arkansas has been blown up [...]
[...] by the [?]! [...]
[...] evening that Jackson is "bagged by
Friday August 15th We have the first accounts from
our side, today, of the battle. Some paroled men