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will be back here in less than two weeks. I dread
their coming back, unless they can stay, Our
condition has been so much more terrible since
We have been left a second time in the hands
of these horrible creatures, They make public
threats all the time that they will destroy the town
if they are driven out again, We can only hope
and pray that the same Providence which preserved
us before, will save us again.
Tuesday June 10th a cold rainy day, I was in
bed all day with a severe cold. We heard no news,
but there has been great commotion and passing
of troops, Apparently back toward Maryland.
Wednesday June 11th Two brigades were sent back
yesterday towards Washington. It is rumoured that
Beauregard is threatening that place. The Baltimore
papers give accounts of 2 serious skirmishes on last
Friday, near Harrisonburg, in both of which they admit
we were successful. There was fighting at Front
Royal day before yesterday (Monday) but we cannot
learn the result. There wretches are behaving more
outrageously than can be imagined They have
taken possession of the lower part fo Mr Logan's hand
some house today, by Gen. Hatch's orders. They went
to Dr. McGuire's and said they must have part of
that house, and have ordered Susan Jones to leave
her father's house in an hour, as it is to be taken
for a hospital. she has gone again to the Provost,