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The yankee reports are that Beauregard has
been driven back and that last Saturday we
had a slight success, but on Sunday they regained
all they had lost the day before.
Saturday June 7th We have had a comparatively
quiet day. We had a guard who sits on the porch
during the day, and sleeps in the vestibule at
night, and his presence protects us from the rude
ness of passing soldiers, The searching of house conti[nues]
often it is conducted in the most insolent and
offensive manner, Today they sent a wagon
and carried off from Mr Logan's a quantity of
furniture to furnish the headquarters. The lower
class of people and even the free colored people
fare no better than the wealtheir class. They seize
and carry off provisions from all kinds of people,
pretending to believe that they were their stores
which they left here, which were taken by the
citizens. We hear that their army is suffering
very much already from their scant supply of
provisions, The bridges are destroyed, and the
river is so high, that there is great difficulty
in getting anything over. We fear this may prove
a source of great trouble to us, as they will not
hesitate to seize food wherever found, the insolence
of the soldiers is almost beyond belief, and the
officers encourage the men in it, by their own
example. They say they intend to take the starch out
of the "secesh" here, some of them told Mr Barton