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use his cannons in the streets, but he would not
endanger the town by doing so, he fired at them
over the town. and some of the shells fell short, and
dropped into people's yards. one into Mr Bell's, but
did no harm. On Monday we attended poor Bob
McKims's funeral from Mr Williams', Another
member of Pendleton's Battery was buried at the
same time, his name was Agnes, of Lexington,
During Monday and Tuesday many prisoners were
brought in, and those taken at Front Royal
were brought here. The surgeons and nurses attached
to the hospitals here remained voluntarily with their
sick and wounded, which of course was a very
great relief to us. On Wednesday the whole army
marched on towards the border, some to Martinsburg
and some to Harpers Ferry where the enemy were
crossing. Already it was beginning to be rumoured
that our men might have to leave this end fo the
valley to avoid being cut of. A great many of the
colored fugitives have been brought back, the slaves
to be returned to their owners, and the free people to
be held as prisoners of war. Numbers of the free people
fled in terror on Sunday and have lost everything,
Many children have died from exposure and from
being accidentally killed in the terror and confusion
of the flight. On Firday a new excitement