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Mrs Baldwin says that Hugh Lee was slightly wounded
in the temple at Monterey, and is now in Staunton.
The Masons have gone to Richmond
Saturday May 17 More rumours today, but nothing
confirmed. Banks is said to be falling back on
this place. The medical college was burned by the
soldiers because one of old John Brown's sons was brought
from Harpers Ferry, where he wasde killed, and his
skeleton was preserved at the college. The skeletons were
all taken out and buried before the building was
fired but H. McG. had removed Brown's before he
left here. The soldiers have threatened today to
burn our church, because Mr Meredith is in the
army, and the shoe factory. The gentlemen have
applied for a guard for the Church.
Monday May 19. Yesterday was a delightful day, Mr Suter
preached for us in the morning and conducted the prayer
meeting which met here at night. it was very full, 65 present
I had my Sunday school class here in the afternoon.
Dr Robinson the medical director here, told Nin Washington
yesterday that they find Jackson will not fall into any of
the traps Banks lays for him and they have dtermined to
evacuate the valley immediatetly. They are sending off the
sick as fast as possible, and it is supposed that Banks
will go across from Strasburg if Jackson does not object.
We had quite an exciting time this morning in this
neighborhood, caused by a large number of soldiers
surrounding Nin Tuley's house, to arrest her son Willoughby
Jackson, it is true he has been confined to this bed these