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region is perfectly desolated. Nine-tenths of the servants
gone, at least as great a portion of the horses stolen, and
all the cattle, sheep, etc.
Tuesday May 6th We have heard no news today, had
brigades of those dreadful Germans passed through town
today. It is said they have gone to Romney to join
Fremont. One brigade passed through last Friday, they
behaved outragously in the country, but in the town
they committed no depredations.
Wednesday May 7th Nothing today but continued rumours
that Jackson is coming. Thursday May 8th A great
excitement in the town this evening. There has been a fight
at New Market, the yankees admit that they have been
defeated, and are falling back to this place. It is certain
that 180 empty wagons went up this afternoon, it is said
to bring back the wounded. They say that Jackson had 35000
men, all is rumour, we can hear nothing certain, I dread
to hear the particulars. It is scarcely possible that all our
friends can have escaped safely through another battle,
I am so thankful is safe from battles foe the present.
I sent him a bag of clothes today. I sent letters today to
Clarksburg and to Mrs Robinson. It is reported that Shields
is dead from Lock-jaw from his wounded arm We heard
today that Mr Robert Scott of Fauquier, had been shot
dead while defending his house against a body of marauders
This is the third instance which has occurred in this part
of the country. We dread to have the wretches back here,
We hear nothing on affairs at New Orleans, and are very
anxous about it. There seems now no doubt that
Halleck is defeated,