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Thursday April 11th Clear and bright, but walking too
bad to go out. Sent letters to Bob, Hortensin and others.
Friday 11th Went out shopping this afternoon, Heard
oceans of rumors. Saw the Clippers account of the awful
battle at Pittsburg landing. They claim a great victory
(They always do that) but acknowledge a terrible loss, Where
shall we hear the true account? There is another report
that Mr Buxton is a yankee spy, and that he has
been arrested by Gen. Jackson's orders. He feel anxious,
as he had many letters, but still we hope that he delivered
them safely as he did the first set he took from here,
A  letter from Bob written while in Baltimore, but saying
they were comfortable and kindly treated, a letter from
sister Lucy Written for inspection and very guarded begging
for intelligence, and in great anxiety for us. All letters
sent through the Provost Marshall are open to be read and he
says no one is to dare to send letters in any other way
but of course that is mere folly, hundreds are sent and
received every day.    Saturday April 12th Mr Buxton
called to report progress, or rather, the want of it, He had
been arrested, but by the Yankees, and carried up to
Gen. Banks on the charge of forfeiting his neutrality as
an English subject, by conveying information for the
rebels, he had been seen walking with some "Secession
women" in Winchester, he was very indignant and threated=
ed an appeal to his Government if he was not released.
He told them that he was carrying some private letters
for friends, and that they had no right to interfere,
They detained him five days and after a great deal of
telegraphing between Banks and Lord Lyons he was released
and given a pass to go to Richmond and return when