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Sunday, Jan. 13, 1918

We all were at George & Katie's for the

day. Had such an enjoyable time.

The Humphrey's came down in the 

afternoon & stayed for supper. The

youngsters had a high time. Harry

had a load of old railroad ties sent

down. He sawed on them until ten

o'clock. They make a good fire

in the furnace. 

Monday, Jan. 14, 1918

Marnie has been here for the day. John

came for supper. The water pipes froze

& burst in their house, causing quite 

a good deal of damage. Mary didn't 

want to go to sleep tonight. I rocked

& rocked her & sang to her. When I 

finally put her in her bed -- she 

laughed & winked her eye at me --

as much as to say, she had her

way. She is so dear & sweet I don't

care. She salutes the flag many 

times a day now. Have knitted quite a

bit today. 
