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Friday, Jan. 11, 1918

6 [symbol for degree] below zero this a. m. Marnie

brought her knitting up. She ?

& I worked all day. I am making

a scarf. We brought our lunch

in by the grate fire & ate it. The

rest of the house is like an ice

berg. Harry ate his supper with 

his overcoat on. Had to be out 

working again tonight.

Saturday, Jan. 12, 1918

18 [symbol for degree] below zero and no gas. Even

the hot water pipes froze. Harry

ate breakfast & dinner with his over-

coat on. He & mother built a fire 

in the furnace with some wood.

it warmed up a little. About 4

P. M. mother, Mary & I went over

to Kate's. Their house is heated

with coal. We had a good supper &

enjoyed our visit. Harry got there late.

I don't think I'll ever wish for winter

when good old summer comes again. 
