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Tuesday, July 30, 1918

Mother has been sick in bed all day.

Had a Canteen meeting at our house

this afternoon. Mrs. Humphrey had

a picnic supper in her yeard this

eve. Geo. & family, John & Marnie, 

the MacLeans, Mrs. Hart & Bessie

and us. All of our family were

invited but Mary & I were the 

only ones able to go. Harry went

out of town this A. M. to be fone 

several days. Mary was knocked

senseless this eve by John H. runnin

into with full force. I was

certainly frightened. 

Wednesday, July 31, 1918

Made peach  marmalade this A. M. I

baked 2 dozen cupcakes for our

picnic tomorrow. Brought 14 steaks

& corn for our picnic tonight. Geo. 

& Lewis gave Mary a beautiful set of

blue & white dishes & a doll buggy for

her birthday. Was invited to go out

autoing with Strasburgers this A. M. &

McKee's invited us to a picnic to the

 tonight -- both of which had to be declined. 



Mrs. John Maser and Mrs. Harry

Johntz entertained last evening with 

picnic supper and beef stead fry at

Macon's Grove, complimentary to

Mrs. Frank Blackmore who is the 

guest of Mrs. G. L. Maser. The de-

lightful cool evening made the 

boiled corn, fried eggs and broiled beef

steak taste[d] so good and every one 
