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Wednesday, May 29, 1918

A big rain this a. m. Had an

Alpha committee meeting this

afternoon to plan for a picnic for

Mrs. Waite. Marnie had out family,

Geo., Tanta & Tessie down for

supper. We drove out to Miss Perry's

to the "war musicale" [?]

given by the Canteen. The grounds

looked beautiful shining with

electric lights. Harry went to

K. C. at 8 P. M.

Thursday, May 30, 1918

This morning I cleaned most

of the upstairs, washed rugs and

kept busy until after one o'clock.

Sat out in the yard & knitted

this afternoon. Finished my

scarf tonight. John came and

took us to the cemetery. So

we took out some flowers.

Marnie spent the evening

with us. Bro. Geo. now here

for supper.
